How to apply for a national patent, how to apply for a national invention patent
  • Author: Worry about finance and taxation
  • Published time: 2023-05-27 08:40:27

How to apply for national invention patent

I. Brief description

Any natural person, legal person or other organization that needs to obtain patent protection for the commodities it produces, manufactures, processes, selects or distributes or for the services it provides shall file an application with the Patent Office。Where the patentee is a foreigner or a foreign enterprise, an application shall be filed with the Patent Office。

How to apply for a national patent, how to apply for a national invention patent

Two or more natural persons, legal persons or other organizations may jointly file an application for a patent with the Patent Office and jointly enjoy and exercise the intellectual property right。

2. Handling methods

1. The Patent Office entrusts the local Patent Office to handle patent applications;

2. Apply for a patent through the Patent Office;

(3) The acceptance department established by the intellectual property Office of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government。

3. Handling procedures

1. Determine the type of patent application

The content of the invention-creation shall be determined;

2. Determine the attribution relationship of the right to apply;

3. Develop patent implementation plans;

4. Submit application documents;

5. Receive the acceptance notice。

After preliminary examination of the application documents, the Patent Office determines the date of patent filing。

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