Electronic invoice query app, State Administration of Taxation electronic invoice query platform
  • Author: Worry about finance and taxation
  • Published time: 2023-03-03 08:43:48

State Administration of Taxation electronic invoice inquiry platform

Electronic invoice query app, State Administration of Taxation electronic invoice query platform

The most commonly used method for tax registration is to conduct it in the inquiry window of taxpayers' electronic invoices, which is an important measure for the State Administration of Taxation to promote the reform of electronic invoices in 2019。The electronic invoice has been carried out under the supervision of the State Administration of Taxation, and the inquiry function of the electronic invoice has been realized, and has been compensated by some leverage of the regional government。

It is understood,Electronic invoice is an important tool to facilitate tax administration in the Internet era,It is also an important part of the information technology engineering project,In the Internet age,Electronic invoice is a new accounting method,Different from traditional invoices,It is the tax authority through the electronic invoice system to confirm whether the invoice is true, complete, legal and real,It is contrary to the traditional invoice balance rules。Electronic invoice is not only a legal instrument for taxpayers to maintain online services and use easily, but also a legal certificate for tax authorities to issue and receive invoices。

The above is the tax is also the electronic invoice inquiry window, I hope it can help you。

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